Sometimes, when we’ve done a little too much exercising indoors or on the stoop, Live Longer and I go outside – into the wilderness – for an organic workout.
We did this the other day and we were pleasantly surprised to see both the sun in the morning (who knew it rises in the east?) and our city (who knew the smog would lift and we would no longer think we were in China?).
Live Longer was ready to tackle the mountain.
“I’ve got a fanny pack with two bottles of water, four tissues, some almonds, and calcium supplements.”
This is why she will live longer than others – she is always ever ready with the most important essentials.
“I have my phone,” I replied.
As we hiked the trail – sans wine in our hands, thus, not a full workout – Live Longer started to break a sweat.
“Natural exercise is my preferred method,” she told me while we paused for a minute to catch our breath and decided we should try an organic wine soon.
We continued to make our way up the trail, snapping pictures along the way to document the activity in the event we are ever accused of not hiking.
Our motivation was strong – primarily because we knew mimosas and Rated R were ready for us as soon as we were done.
After nearly 90 minutes on the trail we made our way back to the parking lot where we assessed the situation.
The hike was good, water use was minimal, three tissues remained, no almonds or supplements were consumed, my phone was almost dead, nobody broke into my car, and we were only thirty minutes late to brunch.
Not too shabby for two girls who just took up hiking.