As many (two, maybe three) of you may have noticed, I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus.
Conversations with close friends – and some of my most loyal readers (big shoutout to Sleepless, a medium-sized shoutout to Tree and a similar sized shoutout to Rated R) – would indicate that a few of them noticed. My absence, however, has been most noticed by hacktivists in Portugal.
Each day during my hiatus I have received no less than three email notifications indicating that certain IP addresses have been blocked from attempting to access my account.
I have finally decided to take these notifications as a sign to blog again. If people in Portugal are that passionate about getting info to people via my blog well, then, god dammit, I should be too!
So, after a four month hiatus – during which time I think I may have been served a cookie intended for someone else – I’m back.
That’s right. Like Slim Shady, I’m back. Back again and, for the record, when I ate that cookie I was in a trailer park, with a friend, going round the outside.
Oh, and on that note, I’ve decided to start including pictures every now and again because:
1) I like them
2) I’ve read people in Portugal like them
3) I can

#ASS (Actual Size Shown)