Sex in the sink

That’s Not Chinese has a friend, Mi Amiga, in town from London. In proper hostess fashion, That’s Not Chinese has taken her around to various cultural events, such as VD dinner with me and MiniMe and Slut Cuts.


Mi Amiga has naturally curly hair and, though not in the market for a cut or color, was hoping for a little deep conditioning. “Can you do that?” That’s Not Chinese asked me. “Absolutely,” I told her and added, “Oh Wow put me in charge of sex in the sink so I’ll grab my best conditioner and do her right.”


As it turned out, several guests wanted to have sex in the sink with me. I ended up doing BioMom, Alice, Beaner, That’s Not Chinese and Mi Amiga. Alice wasn’t as keen on the process, “This feels like waterboarding.” I’m not sure how she knows what that feels like, so, while I had her under the tap, I asked a lot of questions. That’s Not Chinese didn’t seem to mind it at all and, as Beaner observed, “got really wet.” Mi Amiga patiently waited while others went before her, then mildly said, “I’m ready to be deepthroat conditioned.”


Once we got in the kitchen, she told me, “I think I’m going to moan.” And moan she did, but not for long – I’m guessing water may have got in her mouth.


Afterwards, I took a look around the room and was proud to see how many of the guests I had bagged, literally. At least three of them opted for the deep condition and, to help with the process, I tied plastic grocery bags around their hair. They may not wake up with me in the morning, but I’ve no doubt I’ll wake up on their mind, especially once they see and feel that which is a product of the best sex in the sink, ever.


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