A dash of genius

Last night, I went to Thriller. It was performed at an outdoor theater and the temperature, coupled with the breeze, made it more like Chiller. Watching the company dancing and singing made me want to do the same. So, on my road trip home the next day, I did just that.


Being that I was driving, I didn’t fully dance, I just chair danced. We all have plenty of friends who do this at clubs. They never get up on the dance floor, rather, just move their upper body while seated. It’s a very common and, according to them, hip thing to do. Thus, I was driving, dancing and singing, when I decided it would be nice to be able to video chat with people while driving. Kind of like Google+, where you’re not really talking to the people, but they can see you, so it feels like you’re not alone.


Much like someone on a deserted island who must make due with the existing and limited elements at hand, I opted to turn my point and shoot camera into a dash cam. I did this by switching the mode to video and hanging it from the rear-view mirror – safety straps are so helpful. What happened after that was magical. I created a series of how-to road trip videos that will most likely result in my ability to quit my day job. Viewers will be able to make their own dash cam; stay fit through kegeling; enjoy a little caraoke; and, most importantly, they will know better than to make the age-old mistake of phoning an ex while on a long drive. Pure genius.

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