Emergency preparedness is extremely important. Just the other day, a presenter was encouraging us to be ready for a disaster. “As you’re packing up your ‘ready kit,’ just imagine you’re going camping.” “So all I need is a sleeping bag, alcohol and condoms?” I asked The Responsible One and added, “I’m ready.” “Condoms? I’m not sure where you go camping,” The Responsible One replied. “That makes two of us,” I stated.
After the presentation, Prime Rob approached us, “I am so sorry about last night – it was a bit of my own natural disaster. I feel horrible.” “Why are you sorry? Nothing happened,” I told him. “I’m not sure. I just feel like I should be,” he told us. Nothing like a little morning after regret, although, we couldn’t remember any reason why he would be apologizing. “Maybe what I’m thinking about just went on in my head,” he advised me.
“Most likely,” I agreed and added, “I don’t have any regrets.” “That’s probably because I stopped you from eating popcorn off the hotel floor. I’m pretty sure you would have regretted that,” The Responsible One advised me. “To be fair, I was sitting on the floor,” I attempted to defend my near regrettable act. “Just because you’re sitting on the floor doesn’t mean you should eat off of the floor,” she stated. “Right, well, you are The Responsible One,” I said. “Are you?” Prime Rib asked her.
That thought may have been better left in his head – with the thoughts from the night prior.