This is Chinese 兔

That’s Not Chinese is very happy today – I’ve no doubt – because it is the first day of the month in the lunisolar calender. Which makes today the beginning of Chinese New Year, a very Chinese holiday. Hopefully That’s Not Chinese will follow tradition and pour out the money, presents, food and the like.


Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of all of the traditions, so I didn’t clean my house in order to sweep away the bad luck. No need to worry, due to a story I heard last year about a broom, I always keep my broom and dust pan out of the way of company. In addition to preventing good luck from being swept away, it just seems like a good idea.


I was very aware, however, that it is the year of the Rabbit. How could I not be? There has been a lot of ‘buzz’ about it on the news and near the water cooler. Goodbye Dolphin, hello Rabbit. Both made in China, thus, both very Chinese. Sleepless is pretty sure one of the major battery manufacturers is sponsoring this year’s Zodiac Animal. She may be on to something, literally.


To keep with the tradition that I started last year, I decided to celebrate with something Japanese. Last year: sushi. This year: fortune cookies. Regardless of their origin, fortune cookies are delicious and it was truly as if the fortunes were written specifically for the Year of the Rabbit. “Plan for many pleasures ahead; Our first and last love…is self love; The first step to better times is to imagine them.”


Confucius say, “This is Chinese. This is going to be a great year. Bzzzzzzzzzz.”

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