My friend was reading my blog today and advised me, “Uh, sushi, yea, that’s not Chinese.” Touché (like sushi, this word is not Chinese). I thanked her for educating me about this matter and informed her the restaurant in which I was dining featured both Japanese and Chinese cuisine. In addition, I told her I do not see “ethni,” just city.
We then started talking about my ethni (silent) city and I told her I am a chameleon, mostly dependent upon the type of food I’m ordering. Based on the old days of segregation, I’m Greek in the cemetery; unfortunately this information has not helped me into posh Greek establishments. Now that I think about it, I’m part Asian. Half Cauc, half Asian. CaucAsian.
It’s best not to go off Half Cauced. I would encourage you to get in touch with your inner Latina and have lunch at the Rio Grande Cafe.
Good point and great idea. Perhaps I’ll go there today. Nothing says inner Latina like chile verde in your belly.