Furloughed Fight Club

My not being employed has been a real perk for Live Longer who has been home for the last six weeks or so and has truly appreciated having company during the day.


“You know what happens, is you get bored,” she told me and added, “Just like Liz Lemon when she was on admin leave for sexual harassment. You can only take so many lunches with the rich neighbor ladies.”


She continued to provide details about Liz Lemon’s predicament and then suggested I consider a fight club.


“It could be fun,” she told me.


“Who would participate? You?” I asked.


“Maybe,” she replied.


“Well, I do have COBRA,” I said, seriously considering the idea and then asked, “What are the rules? Will it involve pillows?”


“Throw pillows,” she quipped. “Get it? Throw…”


“Yes, I get it,” I replied.


Although I appreciate the idea, I’m still thoroughly enjoying the coffee, walks and lunches. Plus, I know my strengths and weaknesses and if we hold a fight club there will only be two hits: us hitting the bottle and a smooth top 10 ballad, perhaps ‘That’s What Friends Are For,’ playing in the background.

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