Improvement Plan

A while back I saw a job posting for a mail sorter at the United States Post Office. Although only part-time, the position pays more hourly than my current on-call/part-time job at the furniture store. Thus, it seemed like a viable option.


I’ve been thinking about this option quite a bit lately and shared the idea with Live Longer. She thought it might be an option for her as well.


“I know ZIP codes pretty well,” she told me.


“Really?” I asked.


“I know the difference between yours and mine,” she went on.


“I do too,” I informed her and added, “the last digit is different.”


“No, what I mean is that I know it’s just like one street down the street from here where the ZIP code changes from mine to yours. I don’t know what happens to a few of the ZIP codes in between yours and mine but I know where ours change,” she advised me and then made a proposition, “I’ll show you.”


We set our wine down, grabbed our shoes and headed to the street.


After walking only briefly down the sidewalk, Live Longer stated we had reached our destination: the section of the sidewalk where the ZIP code changes.


“This is it, right here. I’ve got one foot in my ZIP code and the other in your ZIP code,” she proudly stated.


Perhaps knowing Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) codes inside and out is just what we both need to improve our current plan.

This is where ZIP codes change.
This is where ZIP codes change.

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