Poo Done It?

I’m not really one to talk shit. Well, actually, I am.  In fact, if I had a Native American name it would probably be ShitTalker (I’ve probably said this before, sometime when I was talking shit). Luckily, I don’t have a Native American name.


I really don’t talk about fecal matter much. I mean, I poop, just like everybody does, and I have my little routine – thank you Wilson Phillips for the amazing song and video ‘Hold On.’ For the record, that’s not my only loo song, but it is my favorite. I often sing, ‘Everybody Poops,’ to the tune of ‘Everybody Hurts’ – thanks R.E.M.


In addition to music, I like to do a little reading when I’m in the loo. Just this last weekend Rated R and I came to the conclusion that if ‘The Gideons’ really wanted people in hotels to read the Bible they would put it in the loo and not the bedside table. I’ve got several books in my loo, one of which might help me solve this Poo Done It? mystery.


Last year, Sleepless gave me a Bathroom Guest Book (I think they missed a prime opportunity to call this a Bathroom Guest Log) for, apropos, my bathroom guests to sign. Over the last year, several have signed the book and have taken the time to include a doodle, aka, poodle.


Recently (yesterday), my sewer line backed up and now, as a result of not being able to use the toilet, I’m backed up. Outside of old pipes, I’m curious as to who caused the situation to occur. I’ve been out of town, MiniMe left over a month ago, and the only other people who have been in my house and, more specifically, my loo, have signed the Bathroom Guest Book. Alas, turning this case into an official “Poo Done It?”


Based on the last entry in the book, there may be two (yes, ‘number two’) suspects.

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