Shake Your (Asexual) Keys

MiniMe stopped by Live Longer’s house the other night for dinner and shared her ‘life as an adult woes’ with us, specifically, those involving a career in education.


Education professions, as a general rule, are not opportunities to display one’s brilliant fashion sense. In fact, they are quite the contrary. Sense comes into play, but it has nothing to do with fashion and everything to do with appropriateness and sensibility. A turtleneck, khaki pants and sneakers (preferably white) are a perfect example of appropriate sensibility. The nice bit about this outfit is it can be unisex. Hello asexuality, goodbye fashion personality. “See, look,” Live Longer said while gesturing toward Certified Teacher who was sitting at the kitchen bar correcting papers.


Another fun and functional outfit for female or cross-dressing teachers is a long, round-neck, denim dress complimented with a novelty sweater. The white sneakers are, again, a perfect and sensible way to balance out this very appropriate teaching ensemble.


As we shared ideas with MiniMe we heard a noise from Certified Teacher’s corner. “Did you just fart?” Live Longer asked. “Ask me again,” he said. She did, and he did, again. “I do it all of the time at school,” he said. “You crop dust the students with that loud of a fart?” I asked. “Shake your keys,” he stated. “Shake your keys?” Live Longer and I asked in unison. “Yea, shake your keys and they never notice. Even if they do, they never say anything,” he advised.


Alas, even when dressed appropriately, one can behave inappropriately.

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