Repeal. Big Deal.

After attending the Repeal Day party, and pretty much drinking a fifth in honor of December 5th, I realized very few people are familiar with this incredibly important day in American history. On this day in 1933, Prohibition was repealed, the 21st Amendment to the Constitution was ratified (ironic since the legal drinking age in the States is 21), and numerous people were able to legally imbibe again.This may not be a big deal for some, but it’s a pretty big deal for me and anyone else who enjoys a good distillery.


Also a big deal, is the fact that I was asked to be the dealer at a Blackjack table at the party. Is it a coincidence that Blackjack is also known as 21? I bet not.  Being that most of my gambling is limited to dating and purchasing wine based on the label,  I am most likely the least qualified individual to deal cards. My lack of qualifications became painfully clear when I attempted to shuffle the cards. Ultimately, I ended up outsourcing this task – very American of me. Thinking back, I realized I didn’t burn and turn (throw the top card in a discard pile), but I did take my turn having a pickleback shot and it burned a bit.


The winnings were good when I was dealing and the players were happy. How could they not be? I didn’t know the rules and believed everything they told me about the game. In addition, instead of insurance I promised everyone ObamaCare. I truly believe I gave dealing my best shot (and took a few shots while doing it). I’d even go so far as to say I was a big hit. Or was it a bust? I can’t stand all of the new terms, thus, I’m going to split.

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