
Tree invited me to join him for a National Repeal Day party, “It starts at eight. Oh, and you can dress up in 20s attire if you want.” “You had me at ‘dress up in 20s attire.’ I’ll head home to get ready. I think I’ve got a flapper dress,” I replied. “Any chance you have two?” he asked.


Sadly, he opted against wearing a dress with me. Last time he did so, he ended up ditching the (wedding) dress to go to the loo and then never returned. Runaway Bride, literally.  So, with him in his fedora, dapper vest, dress shirt, slacks and fur coat, we decided to enjoy a glass of wine at my house. “Cheers to us! Is there anything else to cheers to? No,” I toasted and then noticed my flapper dress had risen up, exposing my slip and thigh. I attempted to capture the moment on film and Tree decided to do so as well. “We are so histper thanksgiving,” he told me and then said, “My friend keeps asking me why I put hash tags on all of my pictures. What she doesn’t understand is that I’m very popular on instagram.” “New hashtag – we should use it on everything! #imverypopularoninstagram,” I suggested.


We hopped in the car and started driving to our destination. I caught a glimpse of me in the mirror and made an observation, “I’m not sure I like my hair short.” “You’re wearing a man’s mullet wig, I don’t think that is a fair assessment,” Tree advised. “Good point,” I said and, as we pulled up to the light we both started singing and dancing for the audience of cars around us. None of them seemed to mind the wig or the singing and dancing.


Once we arrived at the bar we decided to celebrate the repeal and our constitutional rights by enjoying some bourbon. We took a seat in the corner and immediately noticed a lot of people were looking our way. “Have you noticed everyone is looking at us?” I asked Tree and then added, “They must recognize us from instagram.” “I’m very popular on instagram,” he quipped.

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