Greasy Oh Girl

Having been under the weather for some time, Tree has been longing for a milkshake. He asked several people – his mom, a potential suitor, and FatGirl – to bring him one, all to no avail. As he spoke with me about this dire situation, I advised him he need not wait any longer.


I arrived at his place with a candy cane milkshake and we got caught up. Some might think we don’t have a lot to catch up on, especially since we just ‘caught up’ yesterday, but we have a lot going on.


Relationship choices were one of today’s topics, specifically, how some people choose to be with others who aren’t as ‘perfect’ as them so that they always look better. “I don’t know about that. I want to be the only perfect one, but I want the person I am with to be the perfect one too,” Tree told me. “You’re a hot mess and I mean that as a compliment,” I told him. “Oh, I know. That reminds me of a video I want to show you. I love youtube. I would totally marry it if I could,” he said. In response, and in unison,  I said, “Because it is fuckin’ fantastic,” and he said, “Because it is fuckin’ cool.”


Once his laptop died he decided to show me how to use my new phone. “Siri is awesome,” he said and then showed me a few tricks with her – some worked, some didn’t. “Let me give it a whirl,” I said. “Please call me Grigio Girl.” “From now on I’ll call you Greasy Oh Girl,” Siri replied. Tree laughed, I tried it again, and Siri replied the same. “Let me try it,” Tree said. Same response. “She’s a good time. Even better when you’re drunk,” Tree said and added, “Thanks for coming by tonight Greasy Oh Girl. I had a great time and we weren’t even drinking.” “Surprisingly, we weren’t. No need, we’re both perfect – alone and collectively,” I told him then asked Siri, “How long will Tree and I be friends?” She asked if I wanted her to check the web for answer. If she does, I hope she starts with youtube.

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