Signature song

Several months ago, Passed The Sniff Test and I saw the trailer for Hysteria and knew we needed to see it. Unfortunately, we never did so while it was in the theater. Fortunately, it was released on DVD – right around the same time he started reading my blog again and posted a link on my facebook wall about a masturbation bar in Japan. With the link, he included this comment, “Two things you have blogged about extensively have now been combined!” I don’t write about drinking that often.


We watched the movie and, although it focused primarily on women’s ‘mental health’ and ‘home electrical appliances,’ it was really about women’s sexual liberation. Luckily, I was born during a time when being a woman was something Helen Reddy not only sang about – she roared. In fact, some might say it was her signature song. Around the same time, Ernie had a signature song, but I digress. In the eighties, Annie Lennox let everyone know, ‘Sisters are doin’ it for themselves.’ In the nineties, Salt-n-Pepa, not wanting to beat around the bush (or were they?), decided it was really time to liberate and encouraged millions to ‘talk about sex baby.’


Back to Ernie. By the 21st century, thirty plus years after Ernie’s signature song, there was a lot of buzz about a new rubber duckie. Like Ernie’s rubbie duckie, this one is waterproof, makes bathtime lots of fun, and a lot of people are very fond of it. Unlike Ernie’s rubber duckie, when you squeeze this duckie, it doesn’t quack, it vibrates. Causing people from all walks of life to sing, just like the Italian opera singer Hysteria, we all have our signature song.



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