
Every now and again, I try and workout. I mainly do this to justify recent purchases of cute ‘active’ wear. I occasionally do it, however, when I get a really good price on a membership. For example, I currently pay $30/year for a 24-hour membership. Being that I go once or twice a year with FatGirl, that seems like a great price.


Recently, Live Longer advised Sleepless and I of an opportunity to take Pilates with her at a very discounted price. Always down for a good deal, we did it. Once in class Live Longer told us the main reason she likes reformer, “I love it because I can exercise while laying down. It’s great.” “Yes, yes it is,” Sleepless coyly quipped.


The next night, MiniMe invited me to attend Zumba with her. Being that I was on a bit of a roll (fat roll, that is), I agreed to do so. I decided to do a little pre-cardio by raking the leaves. While doing so, I got surprise visits from Alice and That’s Not Chinese. Wanting to be a good hostess, I offered them a glass of wine. “Aren’t you going to exercise soon?” Alice asked. “Yes, but don’t the scientists recommend a glass of wine a day for the heart? This is fuel for my heart. Seems very appropriate pre-cardio,” I replied.


A few minutes late my neighbor joined us. As usual, I had her beer ready and waiting. “You are way too good to me,” she told me and added, “Let me know when you’re ready to go on Match.com, I’ll write your profile for you.”


Three things that were good for my heart in less than one hour. Can’t beat that.

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