Are you sure?

Sometimes people ask us personal questions and we are at a loss as to why they inquire. The other night, for example, the man in the muumuu, who is not yet ready to be referred to as MuuMuu Man because he is holding out for ‘something really good,’ kept asking if I had a two year old child. I kept advising him I did not and wondered why he was asking. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes, I’m sure,” I replied.


A few days later, as I was cleaning, I figured out why he was asking. Throughout my house were tons of toys, sippy cups and pictures of Baby Q. If that wasn’t enough to make one think I had a child, I also own a blanket with pictures of her all over it – a gift from her and Q one year. “He probably thinks the state has custody,” I thought to myself. Oh well. I know the truth. I don’t have a two-year-old. Not this weekend, anyway.

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