DDDG, Disco Dancing Dog Groomer, did not just get this name because she once helped me clip the nails of my foster dog, No Action Jaxon. It is also because she is a skilled at the sport of showing dogs. If I were to compare her and Skiwi to a couple in Best in Show, I would have to select Gerry and Cookie Fleck. Like Cookie, DDDG had several boyfriends before meeting her Gerry/Skiwi. “All the boys loved my princess and I’ve not seen one picture of her as a teenager,” Skiwi told me. With or without pictures from her past, DDDG is always ready for show.
Me, not so much. This morning, we woke up around 9, had breakfast, and then decided to go for a hike around the property. When we returned, being that it was near noon, I grabbed a can of beer and headed to the tub. I didn’t plan to drink the beer, rather, rinse my hair with it. I did so, and then found Skiwi, DDDG and Sleepless on the deck. “Wow,” Sleepless said as she felt my hair, “It’s soft.” Maybe it was the altitude, the beer definitely played a part, but my hair was really big and really soft. As I was taking a seat next to Sleepless, DDDG was looking at me, laughing, and said, “You look like a wild poodle. Not ready for show.”
Many people, with lesser hair and thinner skin, might take offense to this comment. Not me. I know the poodles, even when wild, are in the specialty shows. Like a good toy poodle, I’m bred to be a good, somewhat wild, household companion. In addition, I haven’t been ‘spayed’ and I’m currently in the market for a Handler. With all these qualities in mind, and my hair soft and out-of-control atop my head, I strongly believe I can eventually earn the title, “Winner’s Bitch.” If I can get another can of beer, I think I’ll run it over to Opreggano’s house – this is one winner’s circle I know she’d want in on.