In addition to getting waylaid on a regular basis, I have a tendency to be fashionably late – same, same, but different. The other day I was transporting MiniMe around town just prior to heading to an appointment. “I really can’t get over your look,” she told me. “You are totally 90s. Your jacket, your skirt, your shoes, your hair.” I turned down Richard Marx and replied, “Well, I am going to an interview for a job I probably should have had in the 90s.”
Several hours later I was back at home listening to Best of the Bangles when Skiwi stopped by. We were discussing our current events when the topic of fashion entered the conversation and I mentioned MiniMe’s comment. “That’s not too bad,” he told me and added, “Look at me. I’m stuck in the 80s. Always have been.”
I appreciated Skiwi’s support and perspective. In fact, even though our styles may be decades old, we’re still fashionable, just a little late. Thus, we are fashionably late, and that never goes out of style.