
The other day Q and I were at lunch and discussed my dating situation. “This is definitely a horrible town to be single,” she told me. “In Denver, there were all kinds of hot single guys.” “I’ve dated ‘hot,’ and it’s not always good,”  I replied. “True, but now all you seem to meet is gay or married,” she reminded me. “There is that,” I agreed.


Unlike S-Unit, I haven’t set a wedding date, so I’ve got plenty of time to find a straight and single man. And, unlike Passed The Sniff Test, I’ve decided to set a higher standard, which may take more time. Passed The Sniff Test just bought a new house and was excited to learn he lives down the street from a women’s clinic, “Best place ever to meet loose women.” That’s Not Chinese found this comment both crude and not Chinese. As mentioned, I’ve set a higher standard. The closest business to my house is a dry cleaner – nothing dirty coming out of there and, what may come as a surprise to That’s Not Chinese, dry cleaning was not a Chinese invention. The first dry cleaning, or nettoyage à sec, business began in France by Jean Baptiste Jolly in the mid 19th century.


Also French, is the last name of the musician who’s concert That’s Not Chinese, Passed The Sniff Test and I were walking to when Passed The Sniff Test shared the news of the clinic. We had all expected to have a great time, relaxing on the lawn, among friends, and enjoying good music. Upon arriving at the concert, I saw my ex, Dr. BJ saw his ex, and That’s Not Chinese saw her ex. Oreggano was planning to join us and told us, “I’ve no doubt I’ll see one or more of my exes there.” The opening band played several cover songs, many of which were about cheating and relationships. “It’s like they knew all of your exes were going to be here,” Passed The Sniff Test told us. “Mmmm hmmm. Looks like all of our exes don’t live in Texas,” Dr. BJ quipped.


Oreggano and I eventually escaped to an exterior bench – still within the walls of the concert but far away from the exes. While sitting on the bench, we were greeting people and watching some of them stumble over the massive and dark incline, when we met a concert goer from Switzerland. He decided to join us on the bench and attempted to carry on conversations with us. When we experienced a lull in the conversation he posed a question, “So what kind of sex do you girls like?”


I have heard a lot of unexpected comments over the past few days, however, this one seemed to take the cake. Regardless, we both provided an answer, “heterosexual.” I don’t think that was the answer he was expecting, but as we’ve all learned, expectations are not always met, except for when they are. For example, the guy from Switzerland is in a relationship. Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything different.


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