Just add love

While Oreggano and I were getting our toes pretty for today’s holiday gathering, I was sharing a story with her about a call I received in reference to a woman by the name of Christylove. “Christylove?” I asked the caller, “Yes, Christylove.” “How is it spelled?” I asked. “Just like it sounds, and it is all one word, Christylove.”


Get Christie Love! is a movie from the 1970s about a detective – first name, Christie, last name, Love – who would arrest people and say “You’re under arrest, Sugah!” This is a great first and last name for a saucy detective with a tantalizing catchphrase. As a first name only, Christylove, is horrible. “I think we should start adding ‘love’ at the end of each of our friends’ names.” We started doing this (That’s Not Chinese Love, Sleeplesslove, Treelove, etc.) and I realized we could add any word to the end, so I came up with “Oregganohump.” “Why don’t I get love?” she asked me. “I like the hump,” I replied.


Once we arrived at the gathering, Mini Me immediately beginning chatting it up with one of the guests. “Looks like we have a ginger union,” I told Oreggano and Cream of Tartar. “Oh, we noticed,” Oreggano informed me.


It was getting cold outside so most of the guests retreated to the house. Mini Me had gone inside some time before, as had her ginger friend. “I haven’t seen her for a while,” Cream of Tartar said and added, “Do you think we should go get her and have the talk about not doing things that are going to mess up the rest of her life?” “They just met,” Oreggano reminded him.


Mini Me returned an hour or so later, sans ginger. “So, did you get numbers?” Oreggano asked her. “He asked for my number,” Mini Me giggled. We told her about Cream of Tartar’s concerns and she replied, “I can’t help it, I’m flirtatious. You can’t get upset with me for being a flirt. I get numbers all the time.” “I’m not upset,” Cream of Tartar informed her, “I’m proud of you. I can’t wait to see the red headed grandkids.” Mini Me giggled again and I turned to Oregganohump and said, “Ah, so cute. Mini Me Love is in love.”



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