Brunch. Bring your own slippers.

Skiwi decided to host a birthday brunch in honor of all of the May birthdays, specifically DDDG, Sleepless and That’s Not Chinese. The only thing guests were asked to bring was bubbly – based on the guest list, this was no problem. Skiwi likes to bring his slippers when he attends events at other people’s homes, so I suggested everyone bring their slippers to the brunch. Dr. BJ took it a step further and brought a plaid flannel night shirt. “My mom bought this for me when I was in high school,” he proudly told us. “Did it shrink?” Skiwi asked.

I wore a pair of goose down slippers that, unfortunately, have a hole or two and, as a result, were leaving a trail of feathers. Dr. BJ was the first to notice and commented, “If you can’t leave a mark, leave feathers.” “Feathers are my mark,” I replied and added, “I should be writing this stuff down.” “I’m telling you when this stuff comes out, it just keeps coming,” Dr. BJ replied (and I wrote it down).

Skiwi and DJ Slap Pound spent most of their time in the kitchen, preparing brunch for everyone. When they weren’t in the kitchen, they were busy DJing the event and teaching us new handshakes. “I asked this kid to teach me the coolest new handshake and he told me it was the slap pound,” DJ Slap Pound advised us and then proceeded to attempt to teach to everyone. This technique didn’t come naturally to Skiwi, but DJing did, so he got up to change the music and asked me, “Did he show you my control panel?” Not sure what he meant and not having been shown anything other than the ‘slap pound,’ I told him no. He didn’t expound on it nor did he attempt to show me anything.

They retreated to the kitchen to make dessert for us and Skiwi provided a bit of a warning, “I know you guys are kind of busy talking and stuff, but we are experimenting with fire.”  “I don’t think that is smart,” That’s Not Chinese told him, “You try to use paper to extinguish fires.” Skiwi didn’t respond verbally, rather, held up a fire extinguisher – he was ready.

After dessert, which was made and served without incident, Skiwi joined Oreggano, Sleepless and I at our table. “Thought I’d stop by the kids table and see what is going on,” he told us. “This is the kids table?” I asked. “Yes, it sits a bit lower, so it is for kids.” He then hurried off to assist DJ Slap Pound with the music. “Makes sense that he would seat us here,” Oreggano quipped.

“Dr. BJ is right,” I told Oreggano and Sleepless, “I should really being writing this stuff down. You guys said some funny stuff today. Do you remember what you said?” “Hmmm, no,” Sleepless replied. “We were saying some really funny stuff amongst ourselves,” Oreggano stated. “Yes, we were,” Sleepless agreed. “We’re pretty funny,” Oreggano assured me. “There you go,” Sleepless said to me, “Write that down. That’s funny.”

Prior to everyone leaving and DDDG and I becoming the patio entertainment, That’s Not Chinese, Dr. BJ and I discussed our plans for the evening. “I heard Adele canceled her show in Minneapolis,” That’s Not Chinese told us with grave concern. “I hope she doesn’t cancel here,” Dr. BJ responded. Always one to console, Sleepless provided support, “It will be ok. Justin Bieber did that in his movie and at his next concert he was really good.”

Most of the guests left and the only remaining were me, Mini Me, DJ Slap Pound and Everything. Mini Me was asleep (or so we thought) and we were sitting around the table, chatting it up when DJ Slap Pound returned from the bathroom in Skiwi’s robe. “Looking very dapper,” I told him. “Is that your smoking jacket?” “It is indeed,” he replied. “I usually wear that when I’m hoping to get lucky,” Skiwi shyly informed us. “Really?” DDDG asked with great surprise, “I had no idea you did that.” “Guess it doesn’t work,” I told him and asked Everything, “Does it work for you?” “No,” she replied and added, “Not at all.”

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