
With 11-11-11 just around the corner, I’ve been checking in with S-Unit periodically to see how her wedding plans are coming – I want to make sure she is ready.

She has a bit of a crush on someone right now and is feeling pretty good about the way she is feeling. “I haven’t felt this way since 1999,” she excitedly told me. “Come on, really?” I asked and requested clarification, “Since the late 1900s, huh?” “Yes, I’m not even kidding. I have been detached since 1999. Since then, most of my relationships started like this, ‘You seem like a really nice guy. I don’t want a relationship.’ And when they ended, I’m like ‘Oh well.’ Really, I’m very detached.”

“I wouldn’t worry, you’ve got six months. Sleepless saw something at the airport that might work for you,” I advised her and continued. “She was heading toward baggage claim and saw a guy with a sign that read ‘Will you marry me?’ It wasn’t addressed to anyone particular and she had considered running up to him and excitedly answering ‘Yes, I will!'” “That is hilarious,” S-Unit replied. “It is and it will be even funnier when you are the one holding the sign at the airport. We could do it randomly or just wait until 11-11-11 and see what happens.”

“I’m not too worried about it,” she replied, “I’ve always got 12-12-12.”

She may have 12-12-12, but I’ve got an order of ‘Best By 11-11-11’ t-shirts that may be on ebay soon.



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