Tree offered to make  a little brunch for us today and while waiting for him to arrive OregganO and I were discussing clothing. I’ve been getting rid of quite a few clothes as of late because I don’t have much closet space and it appears my dryer is working overtime – turning unitards from the Gap into onesies from Baby Gap.

I suggested to OregganO that we go shopping and buy some new underwear, “I really don’t like the thong style,” I told her, “They’re very small and they tend go up my butt.” “They are supposed to do that, they are thongs,” OregganO brilliantly replied. She is always so practical. “Yes, I know they are supposed to go up your back butt, but not your front butt,” I countered. “Look,” OregganO schooled me, “we’ve both got front butt right now and we’ve got to get used to it and embrace it.”

Tree finally made his way and started making brunch for us, while OregganO, Dr. BJ, Diggler and I chatted. Diggler and Dr. BJ were discussing Creatine when Diggler made an observation, “You’ve (Dr. BJ) been working out, I can see you’re pretty buff. You’re arms are huge.” “Yeah, I just wear an XS shirt,” Dr. BJ proudly shared his secret. “Ancient Chinese secret.” Good thing That’s Not Chinese wasn’t here. She would have shared another ancient Chinese secret with Dr. BJ, like the fact that he isn’t Chinese.

As the day progressed, Tree, Dr. BJ and I were the last guests standing or at least the lasts guests still at the house. Actually, we were sitting around the table, chatting and drinking White Russians (also not Chinese) when Tree got up, walked over to the comfy chair, and wrapped up in a blanket. “Are you tired?” Dr. BJ asked him. “Just getting comfortable,” Tree replied. Seconds later he was fast asleep.

A few hours later I ‘relit’ the yuletide fire log DVD (looks much better on the 32″ than it did on my 19″) and headed to the kitchen to make clam chowder. “I love clam chowder!” Tree exclaimed. While he was in the kitchen chatting with me, he received a phone call from Bi-as(s).  After the call he returned to the kitchen to share some big news with me. “Bi-as(s) asked how long I planned to stay here,” Tree informed me. “I told him, ‘It’s freezing outside, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be staying here until next spring hits.'”

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