Chocolate Cake Today. Unemployment Tomorrow.

Last year I was working with That’s Not Chinese and she started to suspect she might get laid off (due to the economy).


I thought she would be fine until that horrible day when her “boss” asked to meet with her later. That’s Not Chinese asked if she was being laid off – she was given a piece of chocolate cake and told not to worry about it. She threw the cake in the bin.


Six hours later, That’s Not Chinese and I were drinking Sebastiani Cabernet Sauvignon (this is sort of a wine blog, so I have to give credit to the wines) and discussing the dangers of chocolate cake.


We decided to make lemonade out of discarded chocolate cake and had a “S.O.L.D.G.A.F.” (Shit Out of Luck and Don’t Give A Fuck) potluck. Friends were invited to bring appetizers, drinks, resumes, unemployment tips, wigs, etc.  It was swell!


Today, at work, I was offered a piece of chocolate cake. I immediately sent a text/pic to That’s Not Chinese, “Chocolate cake… I sealing my fate?” She provided swift and sound advice, “Don’t do it, don’t do it!”


I opted against parcaking. I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid either.

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