The Big Apfel of My Eye

When people think of New York City a lot of icons come to mind. When I think of New York City I wonder if I will ever file a state tax return there. Live Longer also ponders the same thought.


“When I get older I want to be like the lady in the big glasses,” Live Longer told me as we walked along Park Avenue. “Oh, yes, her,” I said and asked, “What is her name?” “I don’t know, I just know her glasses and her style and I love it,” Live Longer replied.


At 92 years old, this lady, Iris Apfel, remains an international fashion icon, mentor to many women and, to quote her own words, the ‘geriatric starlet’ of the year. In fact, when people in the know think of New York fashionistas, Iris is truly the Apfel of their eye.


Outside of knowing her look, style and flair for all things fashion, I didn’t know much about Iris. After reading a few articles about her, I can say, without reservation, Iris is the Big Apfel of my eye. She is all things New York City and, as  such, isn’t afraid to say it like it is, regardless of what it is and what she’s got to say. Although I don’t want to be Iris when I grow up – because that would go against all things Iris – I wouldn’t mind doing my hair properly, donning some good shoes and embracing some of her philosophies.


“More is more and less is a bore.”


“When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else.”


“To lead the good life in New York, the two most important things for a woman are a chauffeur and a fur-lined raincoat. If you have those two things, you’re made.”
To Iris’ list of the the most important things for a woman, in hopes of leading the good life in New York, I would like to add one more component: large round reading glasses. If you can’t secure a chauffeur and/or a fur-lined raincoat, large round reading glasses will surely make you the Apfel of everybody’s eye.