Anytime you can have two barbecues in one weekend you know you’re living right. The Leaver and QuQueen decided to host one of their infamous barbecues, complete with ring toss, boggle and good food and I, of course, decided to attend.
QuQueen had some of her family over and had already introduced me to her sister. As she was introducing me to her cousin she stated, “You two are going to be fast best friends.” This comment upset her sister, “What about us? You don’t think she and I are going to be fast best friends?” I told her QuQueen probably just figured we would be slow best friends – not that it would take us a long time to connect, just that we would be kind of “slow” together. This theory appeased Slow Best Friend.
The Leaver was busy preparing the meal and had a special treat on the menu: beets (that’s right, Sleepless, the actual vegetable – beets twice in one week…I’m so healthy!). She assured us we were going to love her special beet technique, however, provided a pissclaimer, “This may turn things red so don’t be surprised later.” QuQueen was busy trying to line up Fast Best Friend with some of her cute single friends. She was asking him all kinds of question about what he might be looking for in a girl when I just cut to the chase, “Do you like cougars?”
Later, QuQueen started up my contribution to the barbecue – karaoke. She was singing “Bette Davis Eyes” and Try Singing? and I were appreciating the errors in the on-screen lyrics. Instead of “She’s precocious,” they read, “She’s precautious.” In “Forever Young,” instead of “I don’t want to perish like a fading horse,” it read, “I don’t want to perish likea flamingo.” I’m starting to like the alternate lyrics better than the actual lyrics.
Fast Best Friend really captured the karaoke moment when he sang “Lady in Red.” Mid-song, he changed the lyrics and gave a shout out, “This one is going out to you….Cougar in red.” It was really heartfelt, especially since I was wearing black. I thanked him kindly, yet remained precautious. Or was it precocious?