Lido Party

While at my house one day Sleepless said, “I just thought of something for the backyard. I’ll be right back.” A few minutes later she returned with Ice Cream Man and an inflatable ‘adult-sized’ above ground swimming pool. Ice Cream Man wasted no time attempting to inflate the pool by mouth and, about thirty – more like ten – minutes later we all decided there were better things to do with our mouths then blow up a swimming pool, thus, we put our mouths on cocktail glasses instead.


The deflated pool remained at my house, untouched, until Tree and Awkward arrived for pool day Sunday. Tree loves a good pool day and could not wait to inflate the pool. Sadly, he forgot his air compressor so we quickly scooted off to the nearest store to purchase one. Once obtained, we hustled home, opened the box, and discovered we’d been bamboozled – some scoundrel had switched out product leaving us with the wrong air compressor. Not easily discouraged or stopped, we immediately returned to the store, got the right compressor, and returned to the Manor to get the pool party started.


Within minutes, the pool was inflated and full. We all anxiously took our turns dipping our feet in and then, even more anxiously, jumped out of the pool due to the hypothermia that was setting in. Determined to fully enjoy the pool party, Tree shrugged off the hypothermia and immersed his whole body. “It feels fine once you’re all in,” he tried to convince us. Awkward maintained a relaxed position on the chaise lounge and I opted to stand in the shade nearby – neither of us were interested in getting in again. Realizing this fact, Tree decided to start a water fight. Not wanting to get wet, I let the two of them chase each other while I finished my beer and attempted to restore my normal body temperature – which has been abnormal for years.


A few hours later, the party got a lido bit bigger when Sleepless, Ice Cream Man and Little Sleep stopped by. The six of us each grabbed a chair, a beverage and rested our feet upon our new water feature. Seconds later, Awkward decided to make waves, literally. Luckily, his fear of Tree’s retaliation curbed the wave making and we were all able to sit back, relax, and enjoy our #staymiddleclassy lido party.

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