Self-Described WITSEC

It’s been a while since I’ve written and, as much as I would like to elaborate as to why, I must first disclose I am a self-described WITSEC. Fortunately, I can elaborate on what this means. Self-described, is exactly as it sounds – something one declares or states about oneself. WITSEC is the federal witness security program for witnesses who have been threatened. I would say more, but I can’t, according to my self-description.


I can, however, discuss an event I recently attended with Rated R and Sleepless. The event was focused on up-and-coming women from a variety of professions – several of which included ‘self-described this’ and ‘self-described that’.  “I like this concept,” Rated R said and added, “I, too, am a self-described chief executive officer.” “I’m a self-described chief marketing officer,” I replied. “I’m a self-described chief operating officer and the self-described president,” Rated R continued. “Why stop there? In fact, why start there? I’m a self-described retiree,” I added.


Unfortunately, my self-described moment was short lived because I had to return to my actual-described job. Rated R, however, continued on with the game and, with Sleepless by her side, headed to a nearby bar to be a self-described sommelier.



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