
Live Longer loves drag queens. She follows them via several social media platforms and watches all of their TV shows. Also a lover of drag queens is Tree. So when it was announced that RuPaul’s Drag Race Battle of the Seasons (affectionately known as #bots) was coming to town we knew exactly where would be that night – tickets in hand, anxiously awaiting their arrival.


What we didn’t know for sure is what we would wear to the show. We contemplated dressing in drag – something Live Longer, Beaner and I did when we saw Sharon Needles in New York; however, opted against doing so. Probably best. I get the vibe that dressing in drag at a drag show is probably like a guest wearing a white dress at a wedding – catfight worthy.


Once in the venue we purchased a round of beverages and then made our way around, checking out the people – especially the queens, the set and souvenirs. I decided the DayGlo tank top featuring Pandora Boxx was something I must have. Tree agreed, “Pride Day, girl!”  Sold. I tried to convince him to purchase one, however, he didn’t want to spend the money. A few seconds later he had ripped the case off of his iPhone, thrown it in the trash with a sassy, “Bye, Bitch!”, and was replacing it with a Michelle Visage case. “This. This is how you know I’m gay!” he cheerfully told us. With his new case and his beverage consumption (wine, two shots of tequila, beer) he was both gay and rocking the socialite glo, aka, GayGlo.

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