So many gifts

Today was like my birthday all over again. I got to start the day with tea and egg on toast with Dr. BJ; enjoyed lunch with fabulous coworkers; met CounterCat at the airport for an afternoon sippy (mine was virgin, of course, due to having to return to work – I haven’t had a virgin for years!); and I’m heading to Vegas to meet Maverik Midget King (he has a little present for me) and, if I’m lucky, meet up with CounterCat’s family.

Having prior knowledge of all of this goodness made it difficult for me to sleep last night. I was like a kid on Christmas Eve, unless, of course, that kid is Jewish. Instead of packing the night before and making reservations, I did as I always do – thought about all the fun I was going to have, took a ‘power nap’, threw everything in a bag (or bags) this morning and I’m hoping for the best.

‘The best’ is exactly what I got after lunch. I asked the ladies if they could stop at my favorite fast food restaurant so I could pick up a corn dog for CounterCat (a surprise she would love). They agreed to do so as long as they could order ice cream: a 60 cent cone and a ‘brown topper with nuts on it….in a cup’. I love brown toppers and, more than eating them, I love ordering them. The employee opened the window (drive-thru, only the best for me and my girls) and said, “Brown topper with nuts in a cup.” “Wow, I told them, I’ve never had the nuts in a cup.”

Ah, life is good. Full of so many gifts.

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