Kid(ding) Around

Sleepless and Ice Cream Man invited my niece and I to stay the night at their ranch and, never one to turn down an opportunity to get away, I respectfully and eagerly accepted their offer. When I told my niece about this opportunity – especially the bit about all of the animals at the ranch – she, too, was quite eager.


By the time we arrived at the ranch, actually, before we even left my driveway, my niece was fast asleep. Excitement can be so exhausting. She continued to sleep until the next morning at approximately 5:30 AM. I was in my bunk bed and she was in hers when I heard, “Pssst. I think it’s time to wake up.” Beaner had warned me this might happen. I convinced her it was still nighttime and that, even if we didn’t sleep, we should try to rest for a little while longer.  Less than two hours later we were up and at ’em.


Sleepless and Ice Cream Man also woke up early; a direct result of my niece yelling for me when I went outside to let some of the dogs in. No need to own a rooster on the ranch, just get a kid.


Once we were all up, we decided to walk around the ranch and check out all of the animals. The baby goat, Lucky, was quite attentive to us and very intrigued by anything we had that was edible; which, with goats, is everything. She would nibble on our shoes, sweaters, gloves, the works. After escaping her hunger we decided to pack up the car and head to Rated R’s for brunch.


We were all safely strapped in the car and ready to go when we found Lucky blocking the road. As we approached her, instead of moving, she moved toward the car. Being that she was little, we couldn’t really see her, but knew she was in front of the vehicle, so we were stuck. A few seconds later, we found her – she was trying to climb on the hood of my car and then slipped. She did that again and again until we finally honked, at which point she tried to climb the side of the car. With Rated R waiting on us, we really didn’t have time to kid around so we took our chances and drove forward. Fortunately, Lucky opted to save her life and moved to the side.

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