Spring Cut

Last year for Spring Break I broke my shoulder. This year, I cut my hand.


This fine Spring day I had decided to enjoy a lovely and healthy avocado sandwich. I cut the avocado in half and then stuck the knife into the pit in an attempt to pop it out. The knife went through the pit and into my hand – right in between my index finger and my middle finger. As a result, I was bleeding a wee bit and able to look right into my hand.


Being that I had things to do, I blotted it with a paper towel then wrapped my fingers together with Band-Aids to stop the bleeding. I then hopped in the shower, quickly got ready for the day, and headed to an emergency clinic. The admissions tech advised me that the wait was much shorter at a nearby location so I got in my car and quickly drove to the other location. Upon arriving, I shared my story with the admission tech and she said, “Ugh, hold on a minute.” She then returned and told me, “Our doctor has a broken hand and can’t do any sutures today.” Alas, I got back in my car and returned to the place I had started.


60 minutes later, my hand was being doused with pain meds, iodine and, eventually, stitches. No need for Spring Break when one can have Spring Cut. There’s also no need to eat healthy. I tossed the avocado and bread into the bin and opted for take-out – something I had thought about doing several hours prior. Lesson learned: Go with your gut and you won’t get cut.

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