Act natural

The Leaver and QuQueen invited me to a “Summer is Over  Last Minute BBQ.” “This is the last one, ” said The Leaver, “Summer is over.” The Leaver has never been one to let something as simple as the equinox get in the way of her life.

I let them know I had a couple of other commitments, but would try to make my way there at some point in the evening. Sleepless ended up joining Dr. BJ and I on the stoop for some wine prior to going out for the evening. Her day had been a hard one so we opted to forego the other commitments and just head to The Leaver and QuQueen’s for some low-key, yet relatively high drama, entertainment.

Just after we made this decision we received a call from The Leaver asking us to arrive early, in case guests got their before eight, because she and QuQueen had errands to run and weren’t sure they would be back in time. As we were getting ready to make our way to greet the guests, Skiwi, Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and MiniMe showed up to join us.

We arrived at their house and started prepping for others. I found several food items that were ripe for eating and we all did so without hesitation. The Leaver and QuQueen finally arrived, “Can you believe this? Late for our own barbecue!”

Soon after, LaLaLicia and U-E-L is Silent showed up to join us. LaLaLicia had purchased  a new camera and was taking random shots of bbq attenedees. QuQueen was not keen on this concept. Skiwi, however, loved the ‘candid’ shots. As soon as he saw the lens coming his way he would turn to Disco Dancing Dog Groomer and say, “Act Natural,” all the while posing for the camera. So New Zealand of him.

As the night came to a close, and we had sung all of the karaoke songs selected for us by QuQueen, The Leaver opted to sing “Creep” by Radiohead. She started singing and, a few verses in, said, “This isn’t working. I need to change my pitch.” She then attempted to change her pitch. OregganO and I found humor in this so The Leaver took a stand, “That’ s it. You’re making fun of me. I’m done. Geez. I’ve already spilled on my pants and now this. Do you understand the pressure I”m under?”

As the night came to a close, Sleepless and OregganO were lazily singing “I Will Survive.” “We’re just going to sing this as best as we can, while sitting down,” said Sleepless. And that they did, Sleepless gave it her best natural voice with OregganO accompanying her and, together – au naturale,  recevieved 100 points, excellent singing! Skiwi is right – just act natural!

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