Tiny little Pimp Stick

It’s been a long couple of days and a really long time since I’ve seen Cream of Tartar. OregganO invited me to stop by their house to see their recent renovations and partake in wine and chili cheese dogs.

Cream of Tartar decided the get together warranted some of their homemade wine and opened up a bottle of red for OregganO and I – it was delicious. As we were all chatting, Cream of Tartar lit a cigarette and started smoking. I asked him if he just started smoking (because I didn’t remember him doing so) and he replied, “I was chewin’, but I had to quit – it was bad for me. Now, I’m no longer at war with my mouth.”

He asked if we would like to try a quaint cigar to compliment our wine. We looked at each other and, simultaneously, replied, “Why not?” Cream of Tartar returned to the stoop with three “Pimp Sticks” and said, “I just went inside to get these and thought, ‘Why am I sharing?’, but you can’t not share – they’re so good.”

He was right, they were good. I was enjoying my Pimp Stick and wine when I noticed the Pimp Stick was no longer lit. I gave it a good suck and, surprisingly, it re-lit. “Did you see that?” I asked OregganO and Cream of Tartar. “I lit it with my mouth!” A few minutes later OregganO’s went out as well and would not relight without flame. OregganO inquired, “Why do these go out so easily?” “Yes,” I piped in, “Why? We were sucking on them.” Cream of  Tartar took a puff of his Pimp Stick, cocked his head to the side a bit and answered, “They’re just tiny little Pimp Sticks, that’s why.”

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