
While in the ‘big city,’ MiniMe decided to get hair done. Fortunately, she was in luck, because I had recently purchased a gift certificate for a salon. That purchase was nuts, literally – the fundraiser was for men’s privies/testicular cancer awareness.


While she got her hair cut and colored I patiently waited on the couch in my muumuu, as most mamas do, and listened in on the conversations at one of the adjacent hair stations. One thing I learned a long time ago is that hair salons are a great place to gather intelligence, regardless of whether you need the information.


Exhibit A(DHD):

“She’s on ADHD meds. Do you know anyone on ADHD meds? Totally crazy and skinny.”


The comments went on and were often disconnected (now who has ADHD?).


“She was in a hot tub full of felons.”

“I would make a horrible parent.”

“She’s really tall, like six feet, maybe 200 pounds, but she’s nice.”

“She later showed up with her sleeves rolled up so we could see her Ace bandage which you know she just got from Walgreens. Ridiculous.”


What any of this means I have no idea, but it was intriguing to me. The best comment I ‘overhaired,’ however, came from MiniMe’s stylist as the two of them discussed a hairstyle popular in some parts of town, “That hair has been teased and now it is pissed off.”


Just like people, hair doesn’t like to be teased, or so I’ve (over)heard.





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