It looks good but….

My fourteen-year-old niece recently spent the weekend with MiniMe and I. While with us, we took her out to eat, shopping and to a movie.


The movie was a chick flick and in one scene a female and male actress were flirting and, eventually, kissed. It was around this moment that I heard my niece mumble something. “Did you say you don’t like the actor?” I asked. “No, I said I don’t like kissing. It looks gross,” she replied. “It looks good in the the movies, but I really just think it is probably gross,” she went on. “I could see how you might think that,” I said and, in an attempt to keep her innocent, added, “Remember, these people are actors – they’re acting. Kissing is gross.”


Oh to be young and grossed out by kissing. Instead, I’m just middle-aged and grossed out by what I’m missing.

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