Ratings (and pants) Dropped

Many people like the holidays for the gifts. Others like the holidays because they get to spend time with the people they love most. Then there are those people who like the gifts and have zero interest in spending time with those they are supposed to (according to traditional greeting cards, talk shows, religious types and some therapists) love the most.
I’m the type that doesn’t need the holidays for any of this. I enjoy giving and receiving gifts year round, love spending any and all time with the people I love most and, as much as I love greeting cards, I’ve never been a supporter of anyone spending time with someone because they’re supposed to do so.


Thus, when Sleepless and Ice Cream Man stopped by on Christmas morning to bring me holiday joy – gifts and their presence – I couldn’t be more excited or polite. I offered them beverages, food, and thanks for their kindness. When they invited me to join them at Ice Cream Man’s mother’s house for brunch, I politely declined, “No thank you.”


Approximately 20 minutes into their visit Ice Cream Man announced he needed to use the loo and Sleepless politely reminded him to use one of the gifts they just gave me – The Bathroom Guestbook. I was so excited to see it put to use so quickly, however, as I was thinking about his review I was also remembering the toilet paper was due to be replenished. Just as I finished this thought Ice Cream Man returned to the front room with his pants dropped around his ankles, “There is no toilet paper – that will be reflected in my review. Luckily, the cranapple ambiance is fantastic and might help boost ratings.”


I quickly grabbed him a couple of rolls (although based on his ‘poodle doodle’ – very quickly drawn – he didn’t even use all of one). I checked the book later in the day to find his ratings were fair, as were those given by Sleepless. In an attempt to continue to drop pants while raising ratings I’m going to try and figure out a way to have Wilson Phillips began to play as soon as the fan is turned on. I know it will require a major engineering trick, thus, I must hold on for one more day.

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