A bit of a gamble

Based on the fact that On My Terms’ employer paid for me to be her ‘plus one’, it should be obvious that they know how to take care of their people and their people’s people.


Our flight was good and the hotel was quite posh, so I was very much looking forward to the holiday party (the main reason for our visit). Some might say it was a bit of a gamble, but I knew their casino themed night wouldn’t let me down.


Per On My Terms’ terms, I packed a fascinator to don at the party. In fact, I packed two – one for me, one for her – also per her terms. Just prior to the party she opted against her fascinator so I took my next big gamble and risked being the only person at the party donning a fascinator.


We arrived to find a variety of holiday outfits – mostly hipster – but only one fascinator (seen by me when looking in the mirror). The drinking and gambling were in full swing and, not wanting to stand out (any more than we already did – On My Terms is like a celebrity in Kansas….and Missouri), we headed to the bar.


The bartended poured each of us a drink and, upon first sip, On My Terms knew she was going to be lit. “Any chance you can dilute this a bit? Maybe split it between two cups?” she asked the bartender. “Really? OK, but that’s how they long them poured at the Country Club.” The Country Club is a posh area in Missouri and the area of town where we were staying. “I like that,” I replied and then watched On My Terms double fist her drinks – one drink for Kansas, the other for Missouri!


As the night went on the gambling ceased and the drinking increased. As a majority of the employees and their plus ones played flip cup (a game that is always a bit of a gamble), I headed to the bar to pour my own drink (by this time the bartender had gone home for the evening). A man behind the bar offered to make my drink so I requested a vodka lemonade. He filled the glass with ice, then poured enough vodka to fill 2/3 of the cup, then splashed a bit of lemonade in and, finally, topped it off with vodka. “Wow!” I stated. “That’s how we make ’em in Kansas City!” he replied.


Roll the dice and pour the liquor – no wonder Dorothy couldn’t wait to get back home!

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