Inside voice out

One of my favorite Scrubs’ episodes features the hospital superintendent discussing employee pay with the legal counsel. The superintendent decides against what staff wants and then asks the attorney what he thinks of the decision. “I think you’re an asshole,” was the attorney’s reply followed with something like this, “Oh no, my inside voice just came out and my outside voice stayed in.” Ever since that day I have wanted to study law.


On My Terms has ‘inside voice out’ fine tuned. She has a genuine ‘nonchalant’ ability to inside voice people and, somehow, they don’t seem to care. For example, while walking around Kansas City (Missouri) we were heeding the meteorologist’s warning, “It’s slick out there.” Thus, we wore boots, long pants, coats, gloves and scarves. As we bundled up to leave a restaurant, two girls stepped out of a cab wearing stilettos, mini skirts, nothing on their legs, and small jackets. “That’s appropriate for the weather,” On My Terms said to them, but not to them, using her inside voice. They carried on without incident.


While in the hotel room, we were watching a reality show and the man was being quite demeaning to his wife. At one point he said, “You know what, I can’t even talk to you right now.” On My Terms let her inside voice out, “Well you know what? I can’t stand to listen to you for one more minute.” She then continued to watch and listen for at least another minute when she thought aloud again, “I guess I could change the channel.”


Once on the airplane and waiting to depart, we overheard (everyone did) a mother talking to her son. “Henry you need to put your seatbelt on. Henry, your seatbelt, please. Henry….” “Henry, I don’t think the seatbelt is your problem,” On My Terms said with her inside voice out, tightened her seatbelt and fell asleep. I was hoping she might talk in her sleep. Sadly, she kept all of her voices in during her slumber. Shame really. Knowing her work, I would have been well entertained – from the inside out!

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