Plus One

Like many employees, On My Terms’ was invited to attend a holiday work party. Being that  her employer is based out of state, they offered to fly her to the party, provide lodging and, most importantly, bring a plus one. This is where I come in.


“So my work is having a holiday party and said I could bring a plus one or two. Would you like to join me? I’m thinking me, you and my dad,” was the invite extended to me by On My Terms. “It would be my honor,” was my reply.


A few days before our departure On My Terms informed me our plans would be changing a bit, “Dad won’t be joining us.” This was a bit of a disappointment to me. I didn’t really have any plans in mind for the three of us, but I definitely did not plan to not have him join us. “That changes things a little,” I told On My Terms. “Not really,” On My Terms replied.


But it did. Without adult supervision On My Terms and I were bound to get into trouble. To make matters worse, we were headed to a town with one name,  that was located in two states – a recipe for disaster, plus one.







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