Less is more

Several months ago I bought a new car. Instead of trading in my “old” car I opted to try selling it on my own. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much luck. The fact that it sits parked in my back driveway may have something to do with it.

I posted it on several websites, stocked up on Liquid Chalk and wrote “For Sale” on as many windows as possible. Every now and again Tree would drive it around town and those seemed to be the only times I received any calls. Most of the callers had out of state area codes and most seem disappointed when I answered. Not sure what that is all about it.

Being that it had been at least three months and I hadn’t received any offers, a friend suggested I remove my “Obama ’08” bumper sticker and see if that improved my odds. I thought about this concept for some time and, because of the demographics, finally decided to do so. I also raised the price $1,000 – even in this recession doing something as bold as removing political bumper sticker has it’s price.

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