Mounted and Balanced

The first snow storm of the year hit our town hard and cold. I don’t mind the snow when I have nowhere to go and, while it blankets the valley, I’m staying warm under layers of down blankets. Unfortunately, on this day, I had to go to work. Being a sugar self definitely has it pros and cons.


As I attempted to drive up the freeway ramp I realized Dirk, though ‘Fit,’ was not made for these conditions. With my RPMs soaring and my tires working overtime I eventually made it on the freeway where the speed was a cool 20 MPH. We were going nowhere, ‘fast.’


When I finally made it to work I phoned my dealer – car dealer, that is – and requested snow tires, stat. “We’ll get you mounted and balanced in two days,” he proudly informed me. I’ve never had anyone tell me that would both mount and balance me; especially not in two days time.


Sadly, like many mounting promises, this promise did not come true because they forgot to order the rubber – no snow tires in stock. Turns out, instead of getting mounted and balanced I’ll just be taking public transit where I’ve not doubt I’ll at least get groped.


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