We’ll wait

D-Dog and I thought it might be nice to enjoy a good massage and, being that I had recently purchased some gift cards for the local massage college, we decided to start our Sunday there.


We arrived to find no line and only one person waiting on the couch. This immediately caused us to think we would soon be in good hands, literally. Sadly, looks were deceiving. “We’d like to get a massage,” I told the receptionist. “OK, that’s great. It will be about four to four and a half hours before we can see you,” she replied. “Perfect. We’ll wait on the couch,” D-Dog quipped. “Do you guys have any magazines for us to read? Water?” I followed suit.


Turns out we may have rubbed her wrong because she did not find us funny – at all. “Where is everyone else waiting?” D-Dog eventually asked. “They’re eating or shopping,” the receptionist replied. “Let’s go do that for four or more hours, but not come back here,” I suggested. “Sounds like a plan,” said D-Dog and, with a stiff upper lip and very stiff joints, we left. Turns out, we don’t wait.

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