Stretched thin?

I’ve been home from Seattle for one week and, based on my blog entries (or lack of), it is safe to say I am not sleepless in or out of Seattle. In fact, I’ve been quite tired as of late.


For the last week – even the night I spent in Seattle – I was either asleep or in bed/couch by 9 PM. Am I turning into Tree and Awkward? Ever since they began living together they are in bed by 9. Gone are the days of Tree and I catching up at midnight. Thank goodness, because I’m mid-nap at this time now.


Some might say this is good for my soul. Others, like scientists, may say otherwise. A recent study found inconsistent bed times are linked to weight gain among women. This study, combined with my sleeping patterns over the last several decades, may explain why I have so many different sizes of pants. Some are working overtime, some are stretched thin, others are now in the good will box.


All of this said, I’m happy. In fact, I’m much happier to continue to have ‘France in my pants,’ than I am to have a thief in my purse.

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