
Contrary to popular belief, I do have a family. In fact, I actual saw a few of them the other day…..when looking through an old photo album.


Just kidding, I went to dinner with a few of them to celebrate Contestant #56’s birthday and, while there, Beaner began to give food assignments for Thanksgiving Dinner. She knew I did not intend to dine with them on this day but opted to give me an assignment, nonetheless, “Your assignment is apathy.” “Whatever,” I replied. Although I didn’t really care about Thanksgiving or the assignment, it is also nice to be assigned something you have in abundance.


I was sharing this and other family stories with Ashterisk when she interrupted me and said, “Wait, you have a brother?” “Yes, in fact, I have two; three, actually,” I replied and continued on with my stories. “Wait, you have a sister?” Ashterisk interrupted again, cracking herself up. “Yes, three,” I replied.


Based on Ashterisk’s behavior, I have a feeling she will also be taking apathy to Thanksgiving this year.

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