Theth and the Thity

Once again, Live Longer and I have decided to take New York city by storm.


In an attempt to keep things somewhat in line I opted to pack my retainer and wear my orthopedic boot (at least for the pre-board/plane ride).


We pre-boarded, without incident, and then got comfortable. While Live Longer blew up her inflatable full-body pillow, I put my retainers in and attempted to speak. “I am tho ekthited for New York Thity!” I told Live Longer. She took her mouth off of the inflating device long enough to pose a simple question, “What?” “New York Thity. I’m tho ekthited!” I told her.


Although we might have been heading to the town that made Sex and the City famous, with all of my assistive devices in place, I have a feeling I would not be having any theth in the thity.

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