Sushioke and the hokey pokey

Spent the other night in the company of many fabulous women. We had decided it was time for a girls night out and the best place to commence was at one of our favorite local sushi restaurants. I sent a text to The Leaver inviting her and QuQueen. She replied, “What is this all about?” I replied, “It’s all about spending time with the people who make you laugh, oh, and the hokey pokey.”

Sleepless and I were the first to arrive and were quickly joined by The Leaver and QuQueen. Within minutes the entire group of nine was there and we started placing orders and taking pictures. One of the other girls had ordered sake and offered to share with The Leaver until the food arrived. The Leaver graciously accepted the offer and, within minutes, reported, “Wow! Is it hot in here or is it just me?” We told her it was probably the sake – which she didn’t realize was alcohol (she doesn’t drink very often) – and she was shocked. I asked why she drank it and she replied, “She didn’t have anyone to drink it with her, I didn’t want her to drink alone.” Always thinking of others.

Tile was enjoying some of the edamame when she realized she had been enjoying the discarded edamame pods. Not sure how she figured it out so quickly. Could have been a combination of factors:  no soybeans coming out, no salt, she was discarding them from the same pile she had picked them up from. Who knows. Empty or full, she enjoyed them.

We decided to take pictures and The Leaver opted to turn her back to the camera, “I don’t need my picture out there, I’m already all over the web, but don’t Google me, just let me have my privacy.” So much like MyFace. We all razzed her a bit and, in Leaver fashion, she threatened to leave and then stayed the entire night.

Upon arriving at the karaoke bar we were pleased to find very few patrons because those odds increase our mic time. Scot-Tea and BeauD joined us for a songs, as did OregganO. Not surprisingly, OregganO and I were the last to leave. We had songs in the queue and had started doing “research” for future nights out. Inspired by one of the other patrons, we decided theme nights are in order. Next Tuesday, we’re doing cowboy night. Cowboyoke.

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