Crafty Clubbers

Our book club has quickly evolved; primarily because most of the members are not reading the books. In fact, at this month’s book club (which was really movie club) one of the new members asked a cute question, “So you guys don’t actually read?” “No,” and “Some do,” were the answers provided. To be honest, this is totally fine with me. I’ve never really understood why so many good movies are turned into books.


At the end of our Bridesmaids movie book club we discussed our plans for our next gathering and the ideas were flowing. “Maybe we could read a cook book.” “At least one recipe.” “Or a craft book.” “Magazine club could be fun.” “Let’s all plan on reading and discussing next month’s People magazine.” “How about if we just read three articles and not the entire magazine?” “Maybe we should just focus on reading anything 250 words or less.”


Ultimately, we decided to do craft book club. More specifically, Amy Sedaris’ Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People, which supports one of our favorite Bridesmaids’ quotes, “Help me, I’m poor.” Suggested attire: crafty sweater.


Once I got home I did a search for ‘crafty’ and I must admit, I am intrigued and very much looking forward to these sweaters because, according to, ‘crafty’ is ‘marked by underhandedness, deviousness or deception.’ I wouldn’t mind a hand under my sweater.


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