Oh, brother.

Years ago I read a ‘character reference’ that started a little something like this, “I have known my brother for 25 years and we have never had sex.” That seems like a detail that should go without saying.


The other day at work I was chatting with a coworker who informed me she was the only girl in her family. She then said, in a very blasé way, “I have five brothers and none of them raped me.” “That’s good,” I replied. She then shared a back story as to why she presented the fact in that manner. “A friend told me a lot of her female friends with brothers had been molested by at least one of them as a child. I told her I hadn’t been molested.” “Thanks for sharing,” was my response.


A few days later, it was Boss’s day and I had a card for everyone to sign. Some people just signed their name and others included a personal message. My coworker with five brothers entered the office, grabbed a pen to sign the card, and said, “I never know what to write.” “How about you write, ‘I have five brothers and none of them raped me. Happy Boss’s Day!'” was my suggestion.



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